Tuesday, October 17, 2006


This post is brought to us by Justin Hart, a blogger who lives in D.C.

Timing in comedy is everything. Timing in politics doubly so. If you can master both mediums... the world is yours.

Today the Commonwealth PAC hosted a luncheon with Mitt Romney at The Capitol Club in Washington, D.C. About 500 people turned out (donations in hand) including myself to hear the Mass. Governor give a few words.

The Capitol Club is a block south of Capitol Hill and shares a building with GOP headquarters (if these walls could talk!). I've been down there several times for briefings from the Republican pollsters strategies and leaders but this is the first time I paid for the opportunity.

Actually, I was glad to make the donation... it's a relatively small PAC with a decent contribution record. Romney is the key affiliate of the PAC.

The original plan was a sit down luncheon for about 100 people. There was no public notice of the event just word of mouth but that was enough to change the format to standing room only for 500 people.

After about a half-an-hour of carousing Ken Mehlman, chairman of the National Republican Committee, offered the introduction to Romney who spoke for about 15 minutes.

The crowd was full of dignitaries, former governors, congressmen, lobbyists, lawyers, staffers and interested crazy right-wing bloggers like myself. The event organizers told me afterward that 29 ambassadors were present. I won't say it was the who's who of Washington but it wasn't short of power.

"Be careful what you wish for..." Romney opened with good joke pointing out the huge and unexpected turnout for the event. The Governor was quick with the one-liners throughout the speech which flowed naturally from one topic to the other. From SLC Olympic musings to a touching tribute to 9/11 Romney didn't miss a beat.

Romney's grasp of the modern day subjects was spot on. Discussing his trip to Afghanistan he recalled a conversation with his wife. She asked if he was adjusting to the time change. He responded: "The 11 and a half hours are not bad, it's the 800 years that are difficult." He pulled no punches pointing out this "challenging times" for the nation. He described with pretty good deftness the Jihadist threat to install a caliphate everywhere in the world.

Romney stayed afterward to take pictures and greet people until almost everyone had left.

At one point he declared: "I am not a full-time politician, this hasn't been my life." It may not have been his life, but I doubt it can remain that way, not if the crowd today has anything to say about it.

But hey... you didn't have to pay the money, you can be there too. See here.


Blogger Kevin Davis Jr. said...


Great job!

7:44 AM  

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