Thursday, July 06, 2006

Romney Attacks Crime at its Source

In an effort to attack crime at its source Romney has provided $700,000 to fund community based programs in inner city Boston. An article in the Boston Globe states Romney's plan:

is aimed at sponsoring mentors for troubled youths, as well as such things as allowing inner-city youth centers to remain open seven days a week. The governor previously offered to have State Police troopers assist Boston police officers with patrol duties.

Rev. Eugene L Rivers III was also in attendance at the press conferance. Rev. Rivers was peppered by questions by the media alleging that Rivers once,"had used a prior city grant to pay the salary of a convict who later sprayed bullets at two city police officers."

As tensions rose Romney, ever the articulate one, stepped in and said,

"I believe in the power of changing lives, and would never write off an individual or disqualify someone for something that they've walked away from and changed, if they're doing their very best to live a very different life. Now, of course, you will always be surprised, there will always be disappointments, there will always be people who turn and go back to things that they did in the past, but you can't stop trying to do good.

Romney, a person with a 360 degree worldview, knows that in the end we should not be afraid to wield the stick, but the carrot should not be forgotten along the way.

Of course Romney's actions here would go hand in hand with his belief that families are the basic structure of our society. Romney has said concerning families:

America cannot continue to lead the family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family here at home.

While the individual is in the end responsible for his or her own family, Romney continually shows that goverment can use resources carefully to be more effective on the community level.

I respect a man who can say no to a $100,000 gazebo but yes to $700,000 to help stop crime through community programs.


Blogger Chet said...

the best way to attack the crime would be to give me the 700,000.

yeah man

7:44 AM  
Blogger jason said...

Consider it yours.

8:15 AM  

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