Friday, July 07, 2006

Write Your Congressman

United Families International's website has a form to email your congressman in support of the Federal Marriage Ammendment. This will be voted on by the house during the third week of July. Please take the time to write your congressman urging him to vote in favor of it.

Here is the context of my letter to Congressman Mark Kirk:

Dear Congressman Kirk,

I am a huge supporter of yours. I am active in the Vernon Hills GOP. I marched on behalf of Chuck Fitzgerald at the fourth of July parade, not too far behind your campaign, in Vernon Hills. I also run a weblog, a blog in support of Mitt Romney for president.

As a supporter of both your campaign and the local GOP politics, I am asking you to vote in favor of the Federal Marriage Ammendment.

While I wish the aims of this ammendment could simply be achieved through normal legislative efforts, I do not think it is possible due to judges who override the democratic process and the voice of the people. I would almost be comfortable describing this as the Democracy Protection Ammendment.

Please defend Democracy and the interest of your constituents to decide their nation's future by voting in favor of the Marriage Protection Ammendment.


Jason Bonham

I decided to write my congressman directly through his own website, but I am sure anyway you do it will be fine.


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