Monday, July 31, 2006

Tar Baby update

This Mag felt using the term "tar Baby" To describe Governor Romney's Big Dig situation. Where were all the racial complaints when this was published last week?

Read paragraph #2

Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney: At first blush he appears to be a winner, as he calmly rolls up those white shirt sleeves and takes control — but not so fast. Mr. Clean may have gotten national credit for purging the Winter Olympics of scandal, but this ceiling panel thing could prove a tar baby for him yet. The national spotlight doesn’t shine that closely on Boston. The world may not see any more than a Mass. governor and a Mass. problem, and there’s a perfectly good chance that the Gov. will be sullied by association rather than credited with a Giuliani moment. Time will tell on this one.

You would think those complaining would have more credence had theyt complained about this article last week. You would think...

You sir, are no Mitt Romney.

Well everyones favorite presidential has been is campaigning again. Kerry, knowing that he has not much to offer has decided to start tooting his Health Care horn. But is he any match for Romney. Nope.

To quote this AP article on the Fox News Website,

Kerry faces the reality that the governor of his home state _Republican Mitt Romney, himself a potential 2008 presidential candidate _ has not only talked about but enacted a sweeping health care overhaul designed to bring universal coverage to Massachusetts.

Last week, Michael Leavitt, secretary of the federal Department of Health and Human services, called Romney's program"a model"for the nation.

Straw Poll

Last day of the July Straw poll. Vote and show your support for Romney.

Tar Baby

Leave it to those who live in life in an ethical mire to attempt to bring great people down with them. Politics is a dirty buisness, and the mudslinging at Romney has begun. In Ames Romney commented concerning the Big Dig,"The best thing for me to do politically is stay away from the Big Dig -- just get as far away from that tar baby as I possibly can" then he continued by charging he would not stay away but instead tackle the problems the people of MA want fixed.

Having never heard the term before, my thoughts at the time were, "Whats a tar baby? Maybe it's construction word for sticky tar or something you get stuck in." I immediatly thought of the La Brea Tarpits I visited every year or so in Cub Scouts. I never had any idea that somewhere in time it was used negatively towards black people. Well if you don't know the term "Tar Baby" you must be sheltered according to the Boston NAACP:

“He (Romney) obviously has lived a sheltered life,” said Leonard Alkins, president of the Boston NAACP. “He’s completely disconnected with reality in terms of racial sensitivity. He just does not get it.”

OK, stop laughing.

Is this guy nuts? I would be curious how many of the African American's in the inner-city Chicago neighborhood I just lived in for four years even have heard this term. I have never heard it on TV, or even described as a racial epiteth.

I would even be more curious to find a quote where "Tar Baby" has been used in a racial way, not in it's original context of a sticky situation. I've looked high and low and can't find an instance of this term being used in a directly racial manner. But I did find several articles of people getting in trouble for using the term in a clearly non-racial manner.

What is so ridiculous is that the NAACP would want it illegal to use any adjective that has the connotation of the color black being used in a negative way.

Next thing we know it's wrong to say "Black Cat" or "Black Listed." Don't even think of using "Mudslinging?"

My personal opinion: I think that most of this stems from an anti-Romney crowd who are quick to knock a conservative. This quote from the above linked Boston Herald Article says it all:

Jimmy Myers, host of the WILD 1090 AM morning talk show “Talk to Me,” said, “I think someone who is close to Gov. Romney needs to explain to him a part of history that maybe his blue blood doesn’t let him see.

“Mitt Romney is an empty suit,” said Myers, who is black. “Well, now he’s an empty suit with a little tar on him. He’ll need miracle cleaner to get out of this one.”

Well in my mind it's easy to see why this is an issue, and it's nothing to do with rascism. I sincerely doubt this guy is a registered republican.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Romney in Ames and Cedar Rapids

Yesterday I met Romney. He was impressive. Early in the day I meet up with Jeff Fuller (Iowans for Romney) and rode out to Ames. The luncheon was off to a good start right out of the gate- free Bratwurst and Soda Pop. After all, its summer and I am working on my winter coat!

Anyway, after seeing Romney in action, there is no doubt Mitt will be a challenging contendor. Of course the Pataki people know this- they had their people at the dinner also!

Some highlights:

1) Talking with Romney- He is a busy man, no doubt. Yet to see a future presidential candidate like Romney take time to talk to everyone, stand in line for food and eat with the folks was an impressive sight.

2) His speeches: There are very few who are on a par with Romney in this category. He has the communication abilities of Reagan. At dinner he had the place laughing, crying and cheering. He would no doubt be an effective user of the Bully Pulpit. He would inspire the populace to something better for certain.

3) Question Answering: Well the articles are out. His answer to the question conerning the "Big Dig" posed by Jeff Fuller was outstanding. Romney's ability to successfully tackle the toughest of issues is unmatched. He has led the way on Health Care and the protecting the family. Fortunately, with the Big Dig we can expect more of the same from Romney. Another bright point was his joke about the difference between his health care plan and HillaryCare:

He also highlighted his role in a landmark healthcare plan in Massachusetts that he signed into law in April. He said he could envision being on a panel with New York Democratic Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton -- a potential White House rival who led a failed effort for universal health insurance 12 years ago -- and being asked how his plan differed.

``I'll say, `That's easy. Mine got done,' " he said.

...but maybe it wasn't a joke?

4) His supporters: It was great to meet some of the supporters in Iowa. Many of whom were those who have followed Romney for quite a while. They came to see so easily that he really is the "The Whole Package." U.S. Congressman Leach gave a speech prior to Romney mostly concerning the current conflict in Lebanon. At the end he left strong words of praise for Romney, although not an official endorsement. To say the least it was wonderful to hear. No doubt he is one of the first of many to come.

Also at the dinner I had the chance to meet many of the Iowans in Jeffs group- a wonderful group of people. I also was able to contact some illinoisans who drove all the way to see Romney. Hopefully they'll get on board and become a great help out here with Illinoisans For Mitt. I would highly recommend anyone with the chance to take the time and go see our next President when he comes around.

Friday, July 28, 2006

McCains VP choice

Wondering who McCain is eyeing, well...

A Calculated Risk

A political career is a series of calculated risks. Since no two people agree on every policy this leaves no politician able to please everyone all the time; Hence the need for calculation. Yet a great politician can turn calculated risks into winning strategies through solid ability.

Dick Morris, (a spectacular arm chair quarterback- one of my favorites!) see's Romney's leadership in the Big Dig as a dangerous political move:

“I think he is digging himself into a hole as big as the Big Dig,” said Dick Morris, a former top adviser to President Clinton. “He is now going to be held responsible for every delay, every cost overrun and every construction defect. Some things are best kept at arms length.”

While Morris has disassociated himself from Clinton and offers insightful opinions on Fox News, the irony is that responsibilty during moral dilema was never a halmark of the Clinton Administration. But to be fair pundits like Morris make their money with authorotative predictions like these.

The Big Dig has potential to rain peril on a potential lodestar in American politics. But what is the alternative? We have seen the results of good politicians distancing themselves from such large problems at the costs of public safety before. Bush's PR response to Hurrican Katrina and Bush Sr.'s involvement with Hurricane Andrew all provide a foretelling future for inaction. The great sin here would be the sin of omission.

That being said, "High Risk" is a variable that rises and falls with the aptitude of the risk taker. For one person brain surgery is a much higer risk operation to perform than for another. While there is always some risk involved, neccessity dictates performance -as it does for Romney.

With Romney's managerial/buisness/political experience, the risks associated with the Big Dig plunge. Romney has shown cool under pressure and history of turning troubled programs into viable working entities. If Dick Morris was talking about Bill Clinton, John McCain or anyother elected official I'd say he has a good point. Be careful. Despite the prospects of disaster, his past history of solving problems is a solid foundation to show he can lead Boston out of it's current dilema. Couple this with America's desire to have a strong take charge leader and we have ourselves a winner in '08.

A Noose for McCain

As the primaries began to heat up after the 06 elections, there will be much discussion of the candidates records. A big one for McCain will be Campaign Finance Reform. This anti-free-speach reform has been a self made noose hanging untightened around McCains neck. And he knows it.

The quesion is, can this noose be lifted so easily?

More on Huntsman

Hope this isn't beating a dead horse. An article in the Salt Lake Tribune has Huntsman denying that he wants a future job in a McCain Administration if he is to go all the way and win.

The governor, who served as an ambassador to Singapore and an assistant U.S. trade ambassador, says he already has had a "very satisfying career in Washington." For now, he's content being governor, plans to finish out his first term and "hopefully" will run for a second.

Notice he never says categorically he will not accept one and he leaves running for a second term as a "hope", not a definite go.

He outlines where he agrees with McCain. None of these areas I can imagine Romney being all that different than McCain accept maybe the illegal immigration. But since Romney has spelled nothing out as far as specifics it's hard to imagine how Huntsman could make these conclusions. Based on this article I can only conclude it is due to job opportunities. We really can't expect Huntsman to say, "Yes I like Romney, but I want a cabinet level position something Romney can't really offer to too many mormons."

Well this topic gets old.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Utah take on Huntsman/McCAin

Steve Urquhart wrote an interesting blog about his feelings of Huntsman's alignment with McCain. I picked this up at Utah Policy which has a good daily take on some of the issues facing the Romney Campaign. Urquhart is the Utah House of Represntatives Majority Whip.


If a sitting Governor were to angle for such a deal, he would be campaigning for election at the same time as the presidential candidate – not with real plans to serve as Governor, but with plans to get elected, turn the reigns over to the Lieutenant, and jump to the presidential administration. In such a scenario, if successful, the voters would not get a real chance to vote on the person who actually would serve as Governor or ever intended to serve as Governor that term. That would be highly abusive to one of the people’s most basic and essential rights – the right to actually elect their governmental leaders.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Romney in Iowa

Romney will be in Iowa this Saturday. There will be a free lunch/picnic for Romney supporters in Ames, Iowa. Later the same evening there will be a $50 a plate dinner in Cedar Rapids. Cedar Rapids is about a 3 1/2 hour drive from Chicago. If you are interested contact me, we could arrange a carpool.

I will be there and with any luck so will Corben. You will also have the opportunity to meet the infamous Jeff Fuller- he will be shaking hands and signing autographs. Just Kidding Jeff!

Monday, July 24, 2006

A New Orthodoxy?

I came across this article in a post on the National Elect Romney Blog. Jeff Fuller (who has helped alot with my work here) blogged on this recent article by James L. Evans, a pastor from Alabama.

James L. Evans is pastor of Auburn First Baptist Church in Alabama. He wrote what I would deam a very intriguing article on the Role of Religion in Romney's campaign. The paragraph that piqued my interest the most was:

A survey taken during Hatch's 2000 campaign found that 17 percent of Americans would not vote for a Mormon presidential candidate under any circumstances. And a recent Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll shows a full 37 percent of Americans saying they would not vote for Mormon candidates.

However, the intervening years has seen a shift in the meaning of religion. These days, piety has taken on a distinctly ideological cast. Folks of differing faiths make common cause on a range of social concerns. A new orthodoxy has emerged around issues such as abortion, gay marriage, public display of the Ten Commandments, and so on.

While I doubt that Pastor Evans is ready to put the stamp of Orthodoxy on the LDS church, no doubt he makes a good point about a New Orthodoxy. The issue of Orthodoxy is key to those who vehemently resist voting for Mormons. This generally revolves around questions fo the Trinity, the Nature of God, and scriptural interpretation.

Yet a New Orthodoxy on social issues has begun. I would argue that a codified orthodoxy emeges as a result of commonly percieved threat. Most of main stream Christianity defines itself by the Nicene Creed. Which was a solution (at least to those who accepted it) to the percieved threat of those with differing ideas of Christ and his teachings at the time of the council of Nicaea.

So what is this new orthodoxy responding too? Well to me it's obvious. I think if Abraham Lincoln was to be asked about what the big social issues faicing our nation 150 years later would be, I doubt he would respond "Gays marrying, destruction of living babies in the womb, using live embryo's to further scientific research, removing God from public discourse,etc." But today these are the threats that our society faces.

I would argue when our society begins to accept these elements our Democracy is weakened to the point of being incapable of defending those ideals which once were so strong. Like the Spartans of ancient Greece who up until the current Political Correct movement could trace their rise and fall to homosexuality, our nation will become a moral Eunich.

This new orthodoxy is no doubt growing. While much of it's existance is owed to previous and current leaders like Ralph Reed and James Dobson, the field is white and ready to harvest. In a meeting with Karl Rove, Dallin H. Oaks -a presiding officer in the LDS a church and one time member of the Utah State Supreme Court- admonished Rove not to forget the Mormons- that LDS people are strong allies. Pres. Bush relaizing the political expediency in this and awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to LDS church president Gordon B. Hinckley a short time later.

Indeed Mormons are inherently part of this new orthodoxy. The foundation of the LDS faith is strong families. But the same is said for many other religions such as Catholocism who are found feasting at the table alongside Evangelical, conservative/orthodox jews and many others.

No doubt this movement seeks to grow. Orthodoxy inherently moves to multiply and convert. This new Orthodoxy needs an articulate leader who can recognize this fight and combine political savy, intellect, and moral courage at the highest levels of Goverment. In order to multiply and convert the messenger needs to be equal to the message.

Most conservatives look at the Regan years as a golden age in conservatism. This was because an honest decent person was elected who could use the bully pulpit to convert the nation to the cause of God. While I would say our current Pesident has indeed done much to advance this same cause, his use of the bully pulpit has been relatively weak, gaining few converts. Today I believe we have such a person, Mitt Romney. Those who meet him ironically liken him to the Great Communicator and cautiously to Bill Clinton's ability ot persuade.

Where is this this New Orthodoxy headed? Well it depends on how those involved react to the man most likely to take them were they want. McCain has no intentions of helping the Religous Right, and Guiliani? Well diddo times five. While Romney has strong economic and health care credentials, working with critics, and a powerful ability to lead admidst a crisis, his bigggest offering to Conservative Christians will be his ability to take the movement were it has failed to go before, into the blue.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Remember that 37% poll by the LA times? Looks like they made a mistake!

Good Read

A good read on the history of MA governors and how Romney's tenure fits in at Whizbang. The author is not an outright Romney supporter but is positive on him.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Romney yesterday vetoed the increase in minimum wage. Hooray! knowing that hard ball conservatism won't make it past first base in that old Blue Whale of politics we call massachusetts Romney recommended a smaller increase. In the Boston Globe we read this:

``Such abrupt and disproportionate increases would threaten to eliminate jobs in Massachusetts, especially at the entry level," Romney said in a letter to lawmakers.

Of course sound reasoning bounced of the knuckle head liberals like a cheap toy store bouncy ball:

``It's too bad that all [Romney] can spare is a quarter," said state Senator Marc R. Pacheco, a Taunton Democrat who was chief sponsor of the Senate bill.

Ok, Pacheco, ok. It's only going to cost a quarter? Well I guess Romney didn't do the math.

To get a better read on this cruise on over to the Daily Item of Lynn. First let's explore the title of this article: " Veto of minimum wage bill prompts doubts about Romney's grasp of working classes" I am so gratefull to live a nation with such a quality unbiased news media.

Now the juicy nugget sure to speak to your heart:

"Susan Graciale of Lynn, mother of two, college student and labor activist, says she broke into tears Friday after learning Gov. Mitt Romney had vetoed a bill that would raise the state's minimum wage to $8 per hour...

'This was a slap in the face,' she said. 'I can't even describe the feeling, but I plan to call my representatives and senators and the speaker of the house. This isn't the end of it.'"

Thanks Romney. Not only are you stealing quarters off the backs of the poor you're slapping working moms in the face. Stay away from my kids candy!

All joking aside, this argument underscores the major flaw in liberal thinking and why we need Romney's fiscally conservative leadership. Let's do the math.

Is $8.00 going to get you any farther in Mass. than the current minumum wage of $6.75? No. That equals $50 dollars per week more for a 40 hour a week worker. Roughly $200 or so a month more ($1080 vs. $1280.) This is still not even in the connector-street-to-the-main-street-that-leads-to-the-parking-lot-that-you-ride-the-tram-to-get-inside-the-ballpark of a living wage. According to this article the average cost of a 2 bedroom home in Boston would leave the homeowner needing to make $25.46 an hour. What me worry?

I spent quite a bit of time and energy working with the poor and welfare addicts in chicago for my church. I worked with several welfare workers and spent countless hours trying to teach people the principles of self-sufficiency. The common factor that kept every one from earning more and living better lives: education. It wasn't the fat cigar smokers in Springfield. It wasn't mean rich white guys in Belmont Mass. And it definitly wasn't a lack of quality jobs, there were plenty. Nope it was people who made no effort to go to school and thought others should pick up the tab for there ignorance, and believe me there are plenty.

If someone wants to excel in life a $1.25 increase will not help. But it does score points with a liberal constituency. Like it or not outsourcing is here to stay and the way to beat it is besting the competition, not raising minumum wage and increasing the cost of labor.

So as the title of my article stated, you want to earn more money? Go to college.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Daves Top Ten

I got this of I thought it would be somewhat appropriate.

Dave Lettermans "Top Ten Good Things About Having A Dog As Governor"

10. Can easily diffuse a tense situation by rolling over and playing dead
9. Want a bill passed? Scratch his head
8. Only sexual scandal is with the leg of the couch
7. You get novelty deck of cards featuring state's most wanted fleas and ticks
6. First governor to wear a choke collar since McGreevey
5. All businesses closed during Westminster dog show
4. When he sticks his head out of the motorcade window, gives the impression he's a dog of the people
3. Would chase more tail than Clinton. Hello? Is this thing on?
2. Fun to watch him sniff visiting dignitaries
1. Easier to understand than Schwarzenegger

Romney In Charge

A very interesting read the Boston Globe about Romney under pressure. Generally the article shines a positive light on Romney's ability to work under pressure.

One great Romney quote:
Reminded by reporters that critics are questioning the independence of the Big Dig inspectors, he shot back: ``I'm not quite sure who they have in mind as independent agencies, other than someone from Mars."

I loved that one.

But the real whizbanger:

Squinting into the afternoon sun alongside the I-90 connector at a press availability on Monday, Reilly looked every inch the prosecutor as he announced investigators had uncovered a dispute that arose years ago about whether the bolt system was safe.

As soon as he stopped speaking, the reporters cried in chorus: ``Can you be more specific?"

``Not at this point," he said soberly. ``Not at this point."

The contrast with Romney is striking, said Joseph Tecce, a professor of psychology at Boston College who analyzed clips of Romney and Reilly with the sound off.

Tecce found that Reilly blinked his eyes about 80 times per minute, 2 1/2 times the normal rate, suggesting that the attorney general ``is very, very stressed," Tecce said.

Romney, on the other hand, blinked about 30 times a minute, Tecce said, at the low end of the normal range, suggesting ``that he was in control of the situation, that he felt comfortable in what he was saying."

Note to Anti-Romneyites: I am not advocating basing your vote on the blinking style of a candidate.

Romney helps MI GOP

Romney's Commonwealth PAC today pledged $120,000 to every county and district party in Michigan. Undoubtedly good news. Saul Anuzis posted this on Redstate.

Anuzis is the Chairman of the MI state Republican party. Anuzis is a one time important figure in the Sterling Foundation which is the consultant firm which is handling Romney's campaign in Michigan. From what I can tell Anuzis is somewhat active in promoting Romney in his state.

Romney is pulling out all the stops in MI which is what is needed. For more info on Romney in MI and the state politics a great article on it can be found here.

Email me ( for a copy of the press release. I was able to obtain a copy from Mr. Anuzis. It's a PDF copy of a fax and I dont know how to post it.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Job Growth in MA

More people are working in MA now than before Romney took office, the Boston Globe reported today.

June's job gains added to evidence that the Massachusetts' recovery may finally have gained traction. In the last three months, the state gained nearly 13,000 jobs, compared to about 4,000 in the previous three months. Over the last year, Massachusetts employers have boosted payrolls by more than 27,000 jobs.

Lower taxes and decreased spending generally effects most economies in a positive manner, that's the bigger news for Massachusens today.

And make no mistake about it, these are not burger flipper jobs (no disrespect intended, I love burgers)

Professional and business services, one of the state's leading employment sectors, led job gains with 2,200. That sector has added 7,800 jobs in the last year. Another key sector, financial services, added 500 jobs, its sixth consecutive monthly gain.

Romney is definitly proving himself to be an keen economic mind, and people in MA are feeling the effects. To quote Romney's spokesman Eric Fehrstrom:

"State revenues are surging, jobs are up and people are feeling more confident about the Massachusetts economy," said Eric Fehrnstrom, Romney's spokesman. "This is a dramatic turnaround from the dark days of the economic and fiscal crisis that Governor Romney faced when he took office three and a half years ago."

Future Backlash for Huntsman

A Salt Lake Tribune online article about Huntsman's support of Romney is showing some reaction of political people in Utah. It's an interesting situation when you think about it. Why would the Utah governor go so far in his support of McCain so early?

University of Utah's Hinckley Institute of Politics Director Kirk Jowers, who also serves as counsel to Romney's political action committee, the Commonwealth PAC, was taken aback by the endorsement.

"As a political observer, I was stunned because I'm not aware of any other governor trying to cast lots with potential 2008 candidates because none of them are candidates yet," Jowers said. "It's hard for me to imagine what the governor thinks the upside would be with this type of early posturing."

Good question? What does he have to gain? A spot on McCains hopeful cabinet. When you put this next quote with the last you begin to see the strategies at play:

Kelly Patterson, director of the Brigham Young University Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy, says Huntsman's action may actually help dilute theories that all Mormons will back Romney.

"The perception on the outside is that the Mormon community is monolithic," Patterson said. "This is confirmation that there are a variety of interests within the community and they'll sort themselves out in the campaign."

There isn't going to be alot of high level jobs on a Romney campaign for fellow LDS politicians. The wrong message would have been sent if Romney hired the Utah governor for the same role as McCain did. Surely it would have comfirmed the common perception that Patterson stated, that Mormons are just taking smoke signals from Salt Lake. This definitly will help diffuse that perception.

Definitly McCain see's the value in attracting Mormons when the his most likely serious challenger will be Romney. The mormon vote is seen as a rising influence. States like Colorado and Arizona that went to Bush in '04 by small margins also have large Mormon populations of 10% or so.

This also signals who McCain see's as his most viable competitor. I don't think Huntsman has anything McCain oculdn't find somewhere else, other than his status as an influential mormon politician. So why this pick then?

While this has the appearance of a dig at the Romney campaign, I think it won't make too much of a differance. It does show that Huntsman has higher aspirations than Governor of Utah.

Romney Interview on Fox

Well it wasn't the longest interview but it was good to see him get his name out. Basically it was a short 3 or 4 minute interview about the big dig. Nothing really new but Fox and Friends is a big audience so this helps the name recognititon factor.

It is good to see Romney speaking intelligently, amiable and in charge of a situation once out of control.


Thanks to Jeff Fuller, here is a link for Romney's interview. Look under "Above the Fold- 'Big Dig' Debacle"

Romney on Fox and Friends

If you are reading this now (7:15 am) turn on Fox News. Mitt Romney will be on in the next litte while.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Huntsman for McCain?

Well at first I have to admit I was a little disappointed and surprised when it was announced today Utah Gov. Huntsman was joining the McCain team. Condsidering that his father is a large donor to Romney, and that he is the Governor of Utah were Romney knocked them dead with the olympics I wouldn't have guessed this.

But as I thought more about this, one probably couldn't send a bigger message to the world that the Romney campaign is not an LDS campaign. Also, most mormons think for themselves.

In reality Huntsman's opinion would only mean something to those who live in Utah- so I am not really concerned that his position actually will steer people away from Romney. But it does say a one thing about Romney: The arguments that he never could be elected in Utah because he is too liberal are kind of a joke now since the Republican Governor has backed McCain. Quoth the governor spokes person:

[McCain and Huntsman] share common viewpoints on many important issues, such as those impacting the western states and have similar viewpoints on international

So Utah, looks like if Utah's Governor could back McCain, then Utah could definitly back Romney. It will be interesting to see what Leavit does. But I have to admit, I am sure McCain is doing a little bit of grinning right now.

The Other Side of Romney?

Mitch Davis, founder of and producer of "The Other Side of Heaven" is planning to film a Documentary on Romney that follows him on the campaign trail. Needless to say this has potential for alot of good. Davis, if you saw The Other Side of Heaven, is a high quality film maker.

With this project Davis has hired California polster Gary Lawrence to do some polling in South Carolina. This polling produced some interesting findings that no doubt will have to be addressed along the way. An article in the Salt Lake Tribune states:

In a telephone poll of 600 registered voters July 6 through 10, Lawrence Research found that 44 percent of that state's voters believe Mormons still practice polygamy and 27 percent believe the faithful worship church founder and prophet Joseph Smith.

I don't find these statistics that surprising. Undoubtedly though, some misconceptions are more dangerous than others and the 44% who believe the LDS still practice polygamy is a tough one.

The Religion issue and Romney will be a fine line to walk no doubt. The Tribune article makes a good point, it could backfire. Romney's supporters could easily go over board on this by pushing it too much. Pushing it too much could easily cause the anti-mormon factions to hit back stronger, or worse cause the general publc to tire of Romney and see his campaign as a proselyting effort.

But in my opinion it is possible for the supporters to handle the topic in a successful way. One is to do what Davis is doing by working to promote a positive nature of Romney that doesn't involve direct discussions of his religion. Another way to "walk the line" is to promote the positive in the LDS religion while staying away from doctrinal arguments. This should definitely be done tactfully and sparingly.

Want to hurt Romney? Start defending LDS doctrine through online bashing.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Run Mitt Runn

Great new site, and highly recommended. Good layout and interesting blogging.

Visit Run Mitt Run.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Romney and the abortion question has been a hot topic. Over at Americans for Mitt, Nate Burd has written an article concerning Romney's stances on abortion.

Of particular note is the author, Nate is quite active in the Pro-life movement, employed by a nonprofit Pro-life orginization. Nate makes a powerful voice in this arena since he is one who has put both oares in advancing the prolife cause while being one of the top Romney supporters.

Read the article here.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Mitts Contract with America?

There was a post on Red State recently discussing the possibility that Newt would run for President in 08.

In the Newsweek article refrenced the reporter asked “I imagine some of your decision will be based on who else runs?”

Newt Responded by saying, ”It will actually be based on who picks up the ideas. It's much more about a movement and a set of ideas. We're going to offer all these ideas, all this material to everybody. And if somebody else can put together a movement, that's fine. I also hope that we can in 2007, I would really like to see the Republican party offer to the Democratic party to hold a series of bipartisan conversations rather than the usual political bitterness and actually spend 2007 talking about what kind of country should be.”

So who out there is putting together a “movement”. In a recent article Mitt spells out what his goals would be in office. To me they are remenicent of the Contract with America. I'll list them in short.

Raising the bar on education
Extending health insurance to all Americans
Stopping runaway spending
Getting immigration right
Achieving energy independence
Simplifying the tax system
Investing in technology
Defeating the jihadists
Competing with Asia
Affirming America's culture and values

I think any vacuum is filled. Mitt has already set the stage for discussion and who better to bring the issues to the democrats.

Written by me: Corben


Well this isn't Romney's spine, but according to one pundit, Romney is getting some back bone. To this I would say he has always had it.

While this article is written by a liberal columnist, it's an interesting look into the Big-Dig debacle in Boston and how it's affecting Romney. While I definitly don't mean to overshadow the tragic death from this weeks catastrophe, there are definitly political implications from the Big Dig which will affect the 08 elections.

Columnist Peter Reull has never ben a big fan of Romney he cites his social policies as huge divide between himself and the governor. Yet Romney's tough walk regarding the Big Dig has been an encouraging sign that Romney is a person of conviction. This isn't a surpris to I4M, we have known it all along.

Until now Reull has felt that Romney was nothing more than a polished suit:

It's not that Romney has been wooden for the last three-plus years. Far from it. It's that he's been not simply a politician, but the ultimate politician.

He had the tan, the teeth and the perfectly coiffed hair to make him maybe the most image-ready pol this side of JFK. And let's face it, when he took his shirt off, the dude was buff.

He was the candidate suburban soccer moms fantasized about spending a night with, and suburban NASCAR dad wanted to hang out with, because maybe he'd invite us to go jet-skiing on Winnipesaukee

Pretty clever.

I will say in criticism of Reull that perhaps he would have written this article long ago if he was conservative. It's tough for a liberal to credit to a conservative for conservative convictions. I also found it interesting that when Reull lists politicians with a spine he names only Democratics or Moderats. I guess he felt Bush's reaction to 9-11 was spineless. Or that Romney's stand against the MA supreme court held no conviction.

Well in anycase, we probably won't see Reull voting for Romney by the looks of his ideology, but we can rest assured that Romney is steadly showing the public his backbown has got some marrow.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Chicago? Can anything good come from Chicago?

I live in central Illinois and this is perhaps a common sentiment especially when discussing politics. Well to my pleasant surprise there are at least two good things that come from Chicago. Jason and a blog I’ve discovered. The commentary is great and the links excellent. I particularly like the link that shows pictures of the protesters outside of Bush’s fundraiser for Topinka. Check out her Wacko Liberals Post.

The blog is called Backyard Conservative. Who else besides our favorite backyard conservative has the guts to post a true Illinois picture for a whole post? (see above)

I guess in short this blog comes highly recommended by yours truly-Corben

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Over at the Fix, Blogger Chris Cillizza covers some great info concerning Romney. Chris details how Bush's inner circle of money men from '00 and '04 are now being courted by today's presidential hopefuls.

The good news: Romney is leading the pack with the longest list Bush men. To quote the blog:

John McCain
Wayne Berman, lobbyist (D.C.) RANGER
Fred Malek, Thayer Capital Partners (D.C.)
Carter Pate, PricewaterhouseCoopers (D.C./Texas) RANGER
Bob Mosbacher, Mosbacher Energy Co. (Texas)
Tom Loeffler, lobbyist (Texas) RANGER

Mitt Romney
Peter Karmanos, Compuware Corp. (Mich.)
David Fischer, Suburban Collection (Mich.) PIONEER
John Rakolta, Walbridge Aldinger (Mich.) RANGER
Dave Phillips, Phillips Industries (N.C.) RANGER
Tom Tellefsen, Tellefsen Investments (Calif.) PIONEER
Anne Dunsmore, Capital Campaigns (Calif.) RANGER
Hadi Makarechian, Capital Pacific Holdings (Calif.)
Herb Collins, Boston Capital Partners (Mass.) PIONEER
Jim Sims (MA) GEN3Partners (Mass.)
Joe O'Donnell (MA), Boston Culinary Group (Mass.) RANGER
Tom Foley, NTC Corp. (Conn.) PIONEER
Eric Tanenblatt, McKenna Long Aldridge (Ga.) RANGER

Bill Frist
Zachariah Zachariah, cardiologist (Fla.) RANGER
Ken Eldred, Living Stones Foundation (Calif.)
Michael Lebovitz, CBL & Associates Partners (Tenn.) RANGER
Jim Haslam, Pilot Oil Co. (Tenn.) RANGER
Chip Saltsman, former Tennnessee state party chairman (Tenn.) RANGER
Ted Welch, Ted Welch Investments (Tenn.) RANGER
Jeff McWaters, Amerigroup Corp. (Va.) PIONEER

As Jeff Fuller noted, Romneys list is by far the most geographically diverse. Obvious to everyone is that Romney's list is by far the longest.

For more punditry on this topic see this article.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Evangelicals For Mitt

A great new site

No doubt this site will have a positive impact on the Mitt Romney and be a stick in the eye to those who are part of the infamous "37%".

Make sure to visit their site and wish them well.

Write Your Congressman

United Families International's website has a form to email your congressman in support of the Federal Marriage Ammendment. This will be voted on by the house during the third week of July. Please take the time to write your congressman urging him to vote in favor of it.

Here is the context of my letter to Congressman Mark Kirk:

Dear Congressman Kirk,

I am a huge supporter of yours. I am active in the Vernon Hills GOP. I marched on behalf of Chuck Fitzgerald at the fourth of July parade, not too far behind your campaign, in Vernon Hills. I also run a weblog, a blog in support of Mitt Romney for president.

As a supporter of both your campaign and the local GOP politics, I am asking you to vote in favor of the Federal Marriage Ammendment.

While I wish the aims of this ammendment could simply be achieved through normal legislative efforts, I do not think it is possible due to judges who override the democratic process and the voice of the people. I would almost be comfortable describing this as the Democracy Protection Ammendment.

Please defend Democracy and the interest of your constituents to decide their nation's future by voting in favor of the Marriage Protection Ammendment.


Jason Bonham

I decided to write my congressman directly through his own website, but I am sure anyway you do it will be fine.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Romney Attacks Crime at its Source

In an effort to attack crime at its source Romney has provided $700,000 to fund community based programs in inner city Boston. An article in the Boston Globe states Romney's plan:

is aimed at sponsoring mentors for troubled youths, as well as such things as allowing inner-city youth centers to remain open seven days a week. The governor previously offered to have State Police troopers assist Boston police officers with patrol duties.

Rev. Eugene L Rivers III was also in attendance at the press conferance. Rev. Rivers was peppered by questions by the media alleging that Rivers once,"had used a prior city grant to pay the salary of a convict who later sprayed bullets at two city police officers."

As tensions rose Romney, ever the articulate one, stepped in and said,

"I believe in the power of changing lives, and would never write off an individual or disqualify someone for something that they've walked away from and changed, if they're doing their very best to live a very different life. Now, of course, you will always be surprised, there will always be disappointments, there will always be people who turn and go back to things that they did in the past, but you can't stop trying to do good.

Romney, a person with a 360 degree worldview, knows that in the end we should not be afraid to wield the stick, but the carrot should not be forgotten along the way.

Of course Romney's actions here would go hand in hand with his belief that families are the basic structure of our society. Romney has said concerning families:

America cannot continue to lead the family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family here at home.

While the individual is in the end responsible for his or her own family, Romney continually shows that goverment can use resources carefully to be more effective on the community level.

I respect a man who can say no to a $100,000 gazebo but yes to $700,000 to help stop crime through community programs.


You may now him by watching Fox news on saturday, Cal Thomas has come out in defense of Romney and his religion. Read his article here.

His article is a response to recent polls that have 37% of Americans not voting for a Mormon. This is of course a much debated poll. For a recent commentary on the poll check out the article by Jeff Fuller.

Cal Thomas makes a great point in his conclusion:

If an ambulance hits me, I care less where or how the driver worships than I do about his sense of direction to the nearest hospital. It troubles me not that a Mormon might be president. It does trouble me a great deal that so many people would think a person's faith - whether one shares it or not - should be the only reason to deny someone the presidency.

Well thankyou Cal for telling it like it is.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Who among the Republicans are ready to face Hillary?

As I think about the future 2008 election and consider what the republicans are going to face I feel more and more that Mitt is the right candidate for the Job. Among the Democrats who is most prepared for the election? I think that with the media’s love affair with Hillary, her name recognition, war chest, and loyalty to the Clinton name, Hillary has a good chance of being the nominee for the Democrats.

So with this said who do we put up against her in the General Election? I think my answer is obvious considering where I am posting but let’s look at this critically.

1. Mitt has a camera presence no other candidate on the Republican side can match
If we want someone who can beat Hillary on a televised debate this is critical. It will also help overcome Hillary’s instant name recognition.
2. Mitt passed a conservative version of universal health care.
I can’t wait till this comes up comes up in a debate…. Something like Where is the Universal health care your husband promised and you were put in charge of? In Massachusetts we have a working system.


3. In a general election Romney though conservative can appeal to moderates.
4. He is a great executive. He can tout his experience as an executive. Where as Hillary has only been a legislator.
5. With rampant spending he can distinguish himself from members of both parties as being fiscally responsible.
6. He is a leader. He is optimistic, visionary, and promotes confidence. When questions about the war arises who do you see as being the Commander in Chief among his rivals? Not since Reagan has the Republicans had a candidate that inspires optimism in the future and confidence in America like Romney does.
7. Mitt has shown himself to be able to handle crisis. This is an attribute necessary for the highest office in the Untied States.

Video Story

Let our vote go to the man who can bring fiscal responsibility and optimism back to the Republican Party.

Since I’m new to this blog let me introduce myself.

My name is Corben Rice. I live in Champaign IL with my wife and 4 children. I graduated from the University of Illinois with a BS in Chemical Engineering. I currently work as a Chemist. Since my background is not English or some other liberal arts please forgive my grammar. I read Jason’s bio and I think I have to take exception to his music choices. Cold play? Bach? Come on. How bout some Vivaldi or Dido. I think this is something we won’t be able to agree on.

I am excited about Mitt because I think he is the first candidate in along time that can lead America with optimism and Vision. He reminds me of Regan and that is why I support him.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Vote for Romney at Right now Romney is leading the pack on boh the daily and the monthly polls. Make sure to go there and put in your vote for Romney.

Homeland Security

Iowans for Romney has a great rundown on Romney's Homeland Security Credentials. Read about it here.


Mitt Romney has made the largest donation to . This group has made a large effort towards helping pass a marriage Ammendment in South Carolina.

An interesting article (from a liberal-gay website) provided a fun read. There was a great quote in it from a group that is fighting the ammendment:

Asha Leong, the campaign manager for the Fairness for All Families Campaign which is fighting the proposed amendment says that Romney should butt out of South Carolina state affairs.

"The thing is that South Carolinians want to hear from other Southerners and other people from South Carolina about what this is going to mean in our daily lives,"

I love quotes like this. Do they really think anyone buys this? Is Leong really trying to say that the Gay Marriage issue should be decided by the voice of the people from South Carolina? That's pretty ironic since the whole gay marriage agenda has focused on using the courts to overrule public opinion.

Further more her quote sounds like someone who is afraid of the influence a voice like Romney will have in S.C. This is a subtle compliment to Romney, showing he is taken more seriously by folks in the South than his opponents would like.

Monday, July 03, 2006


This is a repost of a diary I posted at Redstate on 5/30/06. But I thought it was a good topic for the 4th of July (be careful, I might just repost this on Labor Day and Memorial Day)

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to visit Washington D.C. for the first time. Among the things that impressed me the most was the WWII Memorial situated between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. As I sat there reflecting I began to think about how are country has changed since WWII. I particularly thought of my grandfather.
Born in 1915 he was eligible to fight in the war, yet stayed home because his services as an airplane designer were needed at a small airplane manufacturer in California he worked for, Northrop. Throughout the war, he once told me, he would get jeers and comments when he would be out with my grandmother for not being out and fighting for the US. He went on to co-create some of the very planes that would help defeat the Nazis

I will never forget how in the last years of his life, having suffered a stroke that left him without the ability to speak, he would still pull out books of the airplanes that he worked on and proudly showed me the fruits of his labors. He never expected a free ride. As the son of a hard working carpenter in Los Angeles he never considered the idea of passing the personal responsibility to hold a job and provide for his family to someone else. He died leaving a modest savings and a house that was paid off long ago to his descendants- a tribute to the work ethic, sacrifice and frugality of his generation. He was a giver not a taker.

As I sat there thinking of these things, I realized America has strayed little by little from those roots that were once so strong. While we once stood for patriotism, sacrifice, God and personal responsibility, the en vogue principles today are asserting your rights and milking the government.

Mitt Romney on every issue has stressed the personal responsibility of individuals. He said "welfare without work creates negative incentives that lead to permanent poverty. It robs people of self-esteem." Unlike my grandpa who could leave this world with a feeling of satisfaction resulting from his labors, millions of americans will will not because government has created a system of dependence. Our goverment has failed it's citizens in this regard.

Romney believes in states right to decide its own fate through the legislature, not judicial order. He is pro-family, pro-life and pro-values. He has created a medical plan that shifts responsibility from the state to the individual and has shown the State of Massachusetts that fiscal budgets need to be balanced without taxing the people.

As voters become more familiar with Romney those attributes that are so desperatly needed in our nations leaders will shine through. He will inspire America to a higher cause as Regan did, and promote government agendas that will reduce government and promote a better sence of self-reliancy. He has proven he can bring Democrats along with his agenda as is becoming increasingly necessary, while at the same time promoting conservative ideals and the GOP.